Saturday, August 3, 2019

Ixonia, WI | July Market Report

Jefferson County Real Estate News

The following MLS information is for July 2019.
There were 5 Single Family homes sold.

The average price for a home SOLD was $271,260
Average time on the market is: 20 days

There are currently 24 active listings, 1 new listing, 2 pending listings.
The current average list price is: $364,185
Average time on the market is: 77 days

The lowest priced home is: $199,000 (on the market for 315 days) 
The highest priced home is: $1,200,000 (on the market for 413 days)
Now might be the time to start thinking about your housing situation. It is a great time to call Lisa Bear to buy and sell!
                       262-893-5555 or

Friday, August 2, 2019

Jefferson, WI | July Market Report

Jefferson County Real Estate News

The following MLS information is for July 2019.
During the month there were 10 Single Family Homes sold.

The average price for a home SOLD is $246,334
Average time on the market is: 19 days

There are currently 31 active listings, 0 new listing, 6 pending listings.
The current average list price is: $255,652.
Average time on the market is: 116 days

Lowest priced home is: $109,900 (on the market for 359 days)
The highest priced home is: $989,900 (on the market for 105 days)
It is a great time to call Lisa Bear to buy and sell!
262-893-5555 or

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Waukesha, WI | July Market Report

Waukesha County Real Estate News

The following MLS information is for July 2019.
During the month there were 98 Single Family homes sold.

The average price for a home SOLD was $272,232
Average time on the market was 21 days

Current Listings: 197 active, 8 new, 16 pending.
The current average list price is: $309,729
Average time on the market is: 41 days

The lowest priced home is: $119,900 (on the market for 24 days)
The highest priced home is: $825,000 (on the market for 80 days)

Now might be the time to start thinking about your housing situation. It is a great time to call Lisa Bear to buy and sell!       
262-893-5555 or